Truck and Trailer Loans

Leases can also have a variety of payment structures that are tailored to your business needs for flexibility.

Seasonal Skips

Is your business seasonal? Choose to skip payments in the slow times.

Interest Only Payments

Pay only the interest for up to six months until equipment generates ample income.

Variable payments

Is the down payment too much all at once? Make larger payments at the beginning of your lease.


Davinder Powar offers Secured Loans and Unsecured Loans. Secured loans, you will need an asset as collateral (Equipment Refinancing). Unsecured loans do not require an asset for collateral but will require your credit history and cash flow details to qualify for the loan.


238 Britannia Rd E, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1S6

450 Hesepler Rd #218, Cambridge, ON N1R 6J7
